Chaos Ventured

“at the end of your days, chaos ventured will trump peace found”

Quest to discover the Truth ♾️

I’ve used sports analytics, data science & poker to build a life of freedom and adventure. Now, I’ll reveal my exact blueprint…

Leverage Your Natural Interests: Learn & Earn.

Learn how to bet on sports & Earn using statistics and analytics

To build a dream lifestyle, I’ve used the system of Learn & Earn. I focus only on learning skills that are immediately useful to instantly EARNING. Modern schooling is built by idiots.

Using a natural interest you have and building useful skills around that interest is a far better way to find success. Using my interest in sports, I was naturally interested and motived to learn ways to model and project performance. As it turns out, these are highly valuable data science skills. And this style of learning is much more fun than a boring classroom of stale problem sets & examples.

The second part of “Learn & Earn” naturally becomes “Apply & Acquire.” If you immediately use the new skills you learn, applying it to something you are interested in, you have a better chance to genuinely acquire that skill for future use, without any effort.

Learn & Earn

Before you know it, you are a wizard with skills that pay all the bills. It feels as if you never had to “try” through any part of it. You simply lost yourself in the adventure, doing something you enjoy. I’ll show you the path I’ve taken through data science and sports modeling to get where I am now. No academic fluff. Only valuable things you can use.

Apply & Acquire

When you build systems of earning money using the powerful dissection capabilities of your brain, you enter a different dimension of life. Aside from the material benefits, I’ve found the challenge of building models and staying ahead of the markets to be genuinely fun & satisfying.

Your ticket to The dream life

Every morning the sporting betting markets are wide open. A buffet of opportunity. 

Do you have a strategy for consistently capturing the value? Or are you are throwing darts with a lost feeling?

Compare the lives of 2 players: One likes to watch games and attempt to pick winners based on what he views. The other is equipped with data science tools, handicapping software, and analytics, for efficiently making projections and winning picks. 

One has the power of a statistical “cheat sheet” every day to guide his attention and focus. The other is constantly lost in the sea of choices.  

When the games begin, one player has the feeling of confidence, knowing his plays are backed by long-term winning sports betting fundamentals and models. The other has to watch in constant anxiety, hoping he made the correct decision. 


USA is expensive. Very expensive.

You may find you enjoy life better in a brand new location! It’s a beautiful world full of opportunity. 

I’m on a quest to find the best location for a professional sports bettor and poker player. Join me on the quest! 

The Quest: Worlds best location

I’ve set out on a quest to answer the question: where is the best location in the world for a professional sports bettor and poker player? 

Follow to get the inside view

God Mode Poker

God Mode Poker

The direct path to Poker God:

  • Watch GTO to absorb perfect play
  • Identify where villian is devating from GTO
  • Identify correct adjustment to crush this mistake
  • Become God
Get instant access to this path: Save thousands of hours and hundreds of dollars on solvers.

Sample Day in the life

Another benefit of becoming a winning sports bettor and poker player, you will enjoy many options in the future. If you enjoy this lifestyle, nothing is stopping you from doing this forever.

Or if you want to do something else, you will now be equipped with valuable skills that could lead to many more opportunities.

A specific plan to escape the rat race, live the life of your dreams, and secure your future.


Man PLUS Machine

If you have read this far,
Perhaps you are ready to take your life to the next level.

Computers & AI are taking over, stay on the crest of these waves and learn how to use the
data science tools for your advantage.

Humans playing the sports gambling markets  and poker without computer computation will get beat.
Computers algorithms playing the sports betting markets without understanding context will get beat.

Rather than computer vs human, it will be the combination of Man PLUS Machine that will take the throne – Similar to what happened in world championship chess.

Known as Freestyle Chess, this is the combination of man playing alongside the help of a computer. Combining human intuition, creativity and empathy with a computer’s brute-force ability to remember and calculate a staggering number of moves, countermoves and outcomes creates a combination that produces a force that plays better chess than either humans or computers can manage on their own.

This same concept is your chance to get ahead of the sporting betting markets and poker games.

Opportunity: NFL & NBA PROPS

When projecting sports betting Props, there’s a wide gap right now between the generic data the public uses to make picks, and the data available to professionals.

I’ve spent years building football, baseball, and basketball models, and I’m giving you access to the tools I personally use.

Why would I do this?

After years of hard work to develop my winning models, I start to destroy the sportsbooks. And you know what they do?


So this is my way of getting back at the sportsbooks. Get access to my tools, beat the sportsbooks, and build the life of your dreams. 

Your Dream Life is waiting for you